~ Git and Github - unlearning what I have learned.

outta my hair

Among other (difficult) things, I learned a little Dannish today.
Those other 'things' include using Git in tandum with Github; that means using Jekyll; using Jekyll means using Liquid.

UPDATE 11.14.16:

I now understand that using Git has nothing to do with using Jekyll!
In fact, as the ebb of time flows ever Westward, all of the technologies we learned in the bootcamp seem to be sinking in much more. Jekyll is a simple tool which allows a developer to create a pretty fantastic, static site and quickly.

I've encountered some fuss when it comes to using Jekyll in tandum with Markdown (a completely other pseudo-language with it's own rules, documentationsss and nearly occult following).

I find myself enjoying HTML more than ever, honestly, and on that note, more explicit coding formats.
Sure, frameworks are the way to go when coding a massive site, but there's something nice about knowing where everything comes from.
In my suddenly, post-bootcamp life, it seems ever more important to 1) have an open mind about the 'next big thing' and 2) becoming an expert at something.
For me, I believe I'll become an expert at being awesome and doing everything.

You might see the path where this all went.
As it is, I have not yet gotten very technical in my 'prose'. Speaking of, I am about to begin reading about prose.io.

Published: 2016-08-24