~ APIs - how the back-end talks to the front-end. Using APIs wasn't too terrible of a concept for me to master.

Introducting DjangoREST Framework

DjangoREST is not difficult to understand? Okay, I'm about to lose my mind; using DjangaREST framework seems (at a slightly more than cursory glance) to...make sense. I have two theories as to why this may be.

1. We have troubled ourselves with using Django (albeit, utilising SQLite3 and not PostGRES) for the better part of two weeks and have developed some 'mastery' with it (if you were wondering where 'week 7' went).
2. DjangoREST framework is just easier to learn.

It's probably a mixture of the two theories (usually is, I suppose).

  #We haven't actually built our own API's yet...

Published: 2016-10-11